The Role Of Moira In ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’

The Handmaid’s Tale of Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale relates the life of a woman living in the dystopia Gilead. The society is a totalitarian state in what was once the United States. This regime treats women like property and faces environmental disasters and a declining birth rate. The last remaining fertile females are forced into servitude to try and repopulate a world that is already in crisis. Moira, one such woman, is determined and determined to overcome the terrible world in which she lives. Moira, an unusual character, is the protagonist of the story. She is known for her determination, strength, strong beliefs, and sharp political awareness. Moira stands as a symbol of the proletariat. The capitalist class has dominated the women, and they are deprived of freedom. Moira is the only person that believes this can be changed. Sociologically, Moira could be examined by the theory Marxism. This theory is based on the works of Friedrich Engels (19th century German philosophers) and focuses specifically on class structure, struggle and revolution.

Moira throughout the story can be seen as a symbol that Offred and her handmaids have hope. Offred’s first chance to hope for a better future is when Moira meets her again at Red Center. Offred arrived at Rachel and Leah Center a few weeks before Moira. Offred felt helpless, lonely and hopeless at that point. However, her mood changed instantly after Moira arrived. Offred shared that Moira has made her feel more secure, which proves that Moira truly brings hope to Offred and gives her a sense that she is safe for the living. Moira’s second escape from the Red Center is Moira the greatest hope for all handmaids. Moira was able to escape at the time and it proves that other girls may also be able to escape. Moira was a beacon of hope for the other girls at center. She broke the chains of slavery that held handmaids captive and challenged them. A quote from Moira is: “In Moira’s light, the aunts were less frightening… their power had its flaws.” This is a proof that Moira gave Offred hope and courage, allowing her to see things differently. Offred was able to leave the Red Center and although Moira wasn’t there in person, Offred still believes that Moira is her only hope of survival. Offred was taken to Jezebel’s by the Commander, a gentlemen’s club for high-ranking government officials. Offred saw Moira, but Offred found a woman whose life was ruined and she had “taken something away…that used to be so important to her”. Offred has always considered Moira to be a symbol for hope. Offred soon loses her faith in freedom when Moira leaves. It is important to note that Offred doesn’t want Moira to be like her… she wants gallantry. Offred has placed Moira into an emotional anchor position and as a spiritual support pillar. Offred then loses the faith that her situation and life will get better. The indispensable thong that keeps you going in difficult situations is hope. If one loses hope, it is almost like the novel. Offred was able to get tremendous hope from Moira, her friend who was always willing to fight for her. As time goes on, Moira gradually became the symbol of hope, yet when Moira was defeated by the life and succumbed to the life, Offred’s source of hope was shattered simultaneously.Besides, Moira has a vital role to be a contrast to Offred in Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale. First, Moira is more politically aware than Offred. Moira recounts Offred every moment that occurred in turbulent society after Gilead quickly took control. This point can also be proved by a quote in the text. “She wasn’t stunned like I was. Offred recalls Moira’s reaction to the news that women couldn’t own property any more. Although most women were shocked by the news, Moira was the only one who seemed to have anticipated it. Moira was more active than Offred and kept track of current affairs. This allowed her to see the future ahead and wasn’t surprised by all the changes. Offred, like others, was content to let the changes happen, and felt amazing about it. Moira, on the other hand, was determined to fight for the right to make things better. This made Offred and Moira stand out because Moira is sensitive to politics. Offred’s apolitical nature is further demonstrated by Offred’s revelation that Offred was inspired by her mother, who was a strong feminist activist. Offred prefers to live a life she chooses. She is not interested in the politics that are deteriorating. After losing her job, Offred cannot own any private property, and could even lose her basic freedom. Offred started to think and reflect like Moira after all of this. Offred and Moira were also at odds. “There was one time that we didn’t hug when she told me she’s gay. But she then said she didn’t want to turn her on. Moira tells Offred that she jokes about her sexuality. It shows Moira as more outspoken than Offred. Offred’s boldness and outgoing nature makes her a striking contrast. However, her casual language and informality make her seem more confident than Offred. Moira is an Offred strong-man in political thinking, speech and determination to achieve freedom.

Moira is an example for all handmaids. Through her time at Red Center she displays extraordinary courage, determination, and perseverance. One quote is: “You can’t allow her to slip over the edge.” Moira knows that this stuff is catchy. Janine, who has shown weakness in the Red Centre’s program, asks Moira for help. Moira then tries her best to keep Janine safe. This demonstrates Moira’s kindnesses, courage, and wisdom. Offred is also impressed by these qualities. Offred is also impressed by these qualities. Offred says that Moira would know how to disassemble it if she were her. Offred has a model image of Moira in her mind and Offred hopes that Offred will be just like her. Moira’s leadership is demonstrated in chapter thirty-two. Moira slapped Moira across her face, twice. She said, “Get here!” You must get back there! You can’t remain there. It’s gone.” Offred recalls Moira and Janine’s encounter at the Red Center. Janine appeared to be confused and confused, remembering her past life as a waitress. Moira, however, is the only one that actually brings Janine back to reality. Offred was also deeply affected by Moira’s modeling image. “What you hear in her voice, is indifference. Did they really do it? She used to think that was her central purpose. “How can I expect her? She will continue to believe in her courage, carry it out, and do it when I don’t believe so?” Offred acts so terrified when Moira describes how happy she is with her life at Jezebel’s. Moira listed the benefits of face cream, drugs, and alcohol as proof that she has lost her faith in freedom and determined to live free. It’s a devastating blow for Offred, as Moira used to be Offred’s paragon of courage, defiance, and hope. Moira’s decline shows Offred how much Gilead has eroded Offred’s individuality. Offred also loses any hope about the future. It is evident that Moira was the model and paragon in Offred’s mind. Other handmaids also see Moira as a role model. The actions and thoughts of Moira have a profound impact on other handmaids outlooks.

Moira, as Offred’s symbol for hope and Offred’s role model, is the key character of The Handmaid’s Tale. Moira is determined and brave, which is quite a contrast to Offred. Moira has the status of a heroine and can be helpful to any one. She is also successful in their eyes. Moira is now a symbol for all that she has done to fight against in her life. This is similar to what happened in 1970s when Black women and others of color faced racism and sexism. They formed many organizations to fight oppression. The vision for Black feministism was to resist all forms oppression. The resistance to oppression reflected Marxist theory. We will face and must navigate many different situations in our lives. But Moira’s actions, behaviors, and bravery show that we can be courageous and active in our struggle for life and our destiny. Only this will allow us to live with dignity and respect in society. We will lose our dignity if we do not accept the fate of Moira, who abandons hope at Jezebel’s. This is what Moira desires to express.


  • ewanpatel

    I'm a 29-year-old educational bloger and teacher. I have been writing about education for about six years, and I have a B.A. in English from UC Santa Cruz. I also have a M.A. in English from San Francisco State University. I teach high school English in the Bay Area.