Analysis Of The Character Traits Of Atticus Finch

Atticus Finch has a lot to offer his children. He is gentle, and he strives to become the best person he possibly can. Atticus has a strong moral character and is very honorable. This essay will focus on how Atticus finch is all those things.

Atticus is a man of great insight. He is one the few Maycomb people who does not get caught up in social norms. He sees people in their true colors and does not judge them by their skin colour. Atticus is committed to making things right, regardless of the cost. This is how Atticus helped Tom Robinson get through his difficult time. He was called a bad guy by many for his support of a “criminal”, but he continued to stand by Mr. Robinson. He saw the truth and did the right thing despite the cruelty of society. He uses his wisdom to help his children on the right track. Scout behaved very rudely to Walter the entire day when Dill invited Walter to dinner. Atticus instructed Scout to behave in a manner that was respectful of Walter’s dignity. Atticus Finch is also a courageous and honorable man. He is a man who takes advantage of every chance to achieve his goals. He doesn’t back down even when he is in a losing situation. Atticus chose Mr. Robinson’s defense. While he did his best for Mr. Robinson’s case, he couldn’t persuade them. Atticus also demonstrated his courage by defending Mr. Robinson from an angry mob. He stood firm against the angry mob, which eventually left. This is a testament to his courage.

Atticus can also be described as a gentle, calm man. While Atticus is constantly faced with problems, he always finds a way to calmly deal with them. Calpurnia’s call to Atticus and Sheriff was to free a suffering dog. Even though he didn’t want the animal to die, he was forced to help his children and end their suffering. Bob Ewell threatens Atticus and spits at him while he waits for his mail. Bob Ewell threatened Atticus with insults and threats, but Atticus maintained his calm and Bob Ewell finally left.

Atticus is an honorable, calm, and wise man. He is one of few people who aren’t affected by the opinions of society.


  • ewanpatel

    I'm a 29-year-old educational bloger and teacher. I have been writing about education for about six years, and I have a B.A. in English from UC Santa Cruz. I also have a M.A. in English from San Francisco State University. I teach high school English in the Bay Area.