10 Essential Steps For Creating A Writing Group

Welcome to the world of writing groups! Whether you are an aspiring writer or a seasoned one, finding a community of like-minded individuals can greatly enhance your writing journey. Writing groups provide a supportive and collaborative environment for writers to share their work, receive feedback, and improve their craft. They can also serve as a source of motivation and accountability to help you stay on track with your writing goals. In this article, we will explore the essential steps to creating a writing group that works for you, whether it be a writing circle, collective, workshop, or club. So, lets get started and discover the art of starting a writing group.

1. Steps to Create a Writing Group

Creating a writing group can be a great way to improve your writing skills, get feedback from others, and build a supportive community of like-minded individuals. However, starting a writing group can also seem daunting, especially if youve never done it before. But fear not, below are some steps to help you create a successful writing group.

Step 1: Determine Your Goals

The first step in creating a writing group is to determine the goals and purpose of your group. Are you looking to improve your writing skills, receive feedback on your work, or simply have a space to share your writing with others? Understanding your goals will help you shape the structure and format of your writing group. It will also attract members who share similar interests and objectives.

Link: If you or any of your group members are struggling with writing homework, consider utilizing this guide for tips and advice.

Step 2: Find Potential Members

Once you have a clear idea of what you want your writing group to be, start looking for potential members. You can reach out to friends, classmates, or even advertise in writing communities online. Keep in mind that you want to find people who are committed to improving their writing and are willing to actively participate in the group.

Step 3: Set Up Meetings

Decide on a frequency and location for your writing group meetings. It could be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly, depending on everyones availability. Consider meeting in a public space, like a library or coffee shop, or rotate hosting among group members.

Step 4: Establish Guidelines

Its essential to establish guidelines for your writing group to ensure everyone is on the same page. This can include things like how much of each members writing will be shared during meetings, how feedback will be given, and how often new members can join. Having clear guidelines will create a sense of structure and professionalism within the group.

Step 5: Share Writing

During the meetings, have each member share their writing with the group. This could be a short story, poem, or even an excerpt from a novel. Encourage everyone to take turns sharing, and make sure everyone has an equal amount of time to receive feedback.

Note: Make sure everyone is comfortable with receiving feedback before sharing their work. Some members may only want general comments while others may welcome constructive criticism.

Step 6: Provide Feedback

After each member has shared their writing, provide constructive feedback. Be kind and respectful in your comments, but also be honest. Remember, the purpose of a writing group is to improve each others writing skills, so providing helpful feedback is crucial.

Step 7: Encourage Discussion

In addition to sharing and giving feedback on writing, encourage discussions about writing techniques, tips, and any challenges or successes that group members have experienced. This will not only help broaden everyones knowledge but also foster a sense of camaraderie within the group.

2. Beginning a Writing Circle

A writing circle is a small group of writers who regularly meet to share and discuss their work. It can be more intimate than a writing group, as it typically includes fewer members and focuses on in-depth discussions about each members writing. Here are some steps to help you start a writing circle.

Step 1: Find Writers With Similar Interests

The first step in starting a writing circle is to find writers who share similar interests and writing styles. This will ensure that everyone is on the same page and can provide valuable feedback to each other. You can reach out to friends, attend writing events or workshops, or join online writing communities to find potential members.

Step 2: Establish Guidelines

Just like with a writing group, its essential to establish guidelines for your writing circle. This can include rules for giving feedback, how often meetings will occur, and how new members can join. Having clear guidelines will create structure and prevent any misunderstandings within the group.

Step 3: Decide on a Meeting Format

Unlike a writing group, a writing circle typically has a more structured meeting format. This can include having each member take turns presenting their work and then receiving feedback from the group. You can also have designated time for discussing writing techniques, challenges, and successes.

Step 4: Share Writing and Provide Feedback

During the meetings, each member should share a piece of their writing with the group. This can be a longer piece compared to a writing group, as the focus is on in-depth discussions and feedback. Provide constructive criticism and encourage discussions to help each member improve their writing.

3. Forming a Writing Collective

A writing collective is a group of writers who come together to share resources and collaborate on projects. It differs from a writing group or circle as it focuses on working together rather than solely giving and receiving feedback on individual writing. Here are some steps to help you form a writing collective.

Step 1: Determine Your Collectives Purpose

The first step in forming a writing collective is to determine the purpose of the group. Will you be working on a specific project, such as an anthology or a blog? Or do you want to support and collaborate on each others individual projects? Understanding your collectives goals will help you attract like-minded members and establish a clear direction.

Step 2: Find Potential Members

Reach out to writers who share similar interests and are looking to collaborate on projects. You can attend writing events, workshops, or join online writing communities to find potential members. Make sure everyone is committed to working together and has something to contribute to the collective.

Step 3: Establish Guidelines

Its crucial to set clear guidelines for your writing collective to ensure everyone is on the same page. This can include how decisions will be made, how responsibilities will be divided, and how new members can join. Having guidelines will create structure and help the collective run smoothly.

Step 4: Collaborate and Support Each Other

As a writing collective, its essential to focus on collaboration and supporting each other. This could mean sharing ideas, giving feedback, or helping each other with research. By working together, you can achieve more significant success and create a supportive community of writers.

4. Tips for Launching a Writing Group

If youre considering starting a writing group, here are some additional tips to help you launch and maintain a successful group.

Be Organized

Make sure to have a clear schedule and agenda for each meeting. This will help you stay on track and make the most of your time together.

Encourage Participation

Encourage every member to actively participate in meetings and discussions. Make sure everyone feels heard and valued within the group.

Provide a Safe Space

Create an environment where members feel comfortable sharing their writing and receiving feedback. Be respectful of everyones work and opinions.

Be Open to Change

As your writing group grows and evolves, be open to changing the structure and format to better suit everyones needs. Dont be afraid to experiment and try new things.

5. Organizing a Writers Workshop

A writers workshop is a great way to receive feedback on your writing from professionals and other writers. Here are some steps to help you organize a successful writers workshop.

Step 1: Determine Your Goals

The first step in organizing a writers workshop is to decide on the goals and purpose of the workshop. Are you looking to improve a specific aspect of writing, such as character development or plot structure? Understanding your objectives will help you plan the format and content of the workshop.

Step 2: Find a Venue

Choose a location that can accommodate the number of attendees and has the necessary equipment for the workshop, such as a projector or whiteboard. It could be a library, community center, or even a coffee shop with a private space.

Step 3: Invite Speakers

Reach out to professionals and experienced writers to speak at the workshop. Consider their expertise and how it aligns with your workshops goals. These speakers can provide valuable insights and advice to workshop attendees.

Step 4: Promote the Workshop

Advertise the workshop through social media, writing communities, and local writing groups. Make sure to provide all the necessary information, such as the date, time, location, and cost (if any).

Step 5: Plan the Format

Decide on the format of the workshop, whether it will be a lecture, panel, or interactive session. Also, plan for breaks and refreshments if the workshop will be longer than a couple of hours.

Step 6: Collect Feedback

After the workshop, ask attendees to fill out feedback forms to gather their thoughts and suggestions. This will help you improve and plan future workshops.

6. Establishing a Creative Writing Community

Creating a creative writing community can be a great way to connect with other writers, find inspiration, and receive feedback on your work. Here are some tips for establishing a thriving creative writing community.

Attend Local Writing Events

Attend book readings, writing workshops, and open mic nights in your area. This is a great way to meet other writers and grow your writing community.

Join Online Writing Communities

There are many online platforms, such as Facebook groups and writing forums, where you can connect with writers from all over the world. This can be a great way to expand your network and receive feedback on your writing from a diverse group of individuals.

Host Writing Events

Consider hosting your own writing events, such as open mic nights, writing workshops, or book clubs. This will not only bring people together but also showcase your writing talents.

Collaborate on Projects

Collaborating with other writers on projects, such as anthologies or writing challenges, can be a fun way to foster creativity and build relationships within your community.

7. The Art of Starting a Writing Group

Starting a writing group is an art that requires time, effort, and dedication. Here are some things to keep in mind when creating a writing group.

Choose Members Wisely

Make sure to choose members who share similar interests and are committed to participating in the group. This will ensure a harmonious and productive environment.

Be Inclusive

Encourage diversity within the group, whether it be in writing styles, genres, or backgrounds. This will bring a variety of perspectives and enrich discussion and feedback.

Be Respectful

Respect each members writing and opinions while providing feedback. Be mindful of any triggers or sensitivities that may arise during discussions.

Be Consistent

Consistency is key to maintaining a successful writing group. Stick to a regular meeting schedule and make sure everyone is committed to attending. This will help build trust and connection within the group.

8. Building a Supportive Writing Group

A supportive writing group is one where members feel comfortable sharing their work and receiving constructive feedback. Here are some tips for building a supportive writing group.

Create a Safe Environment

Make sure everyone feels respected and valued within the group. Encourage open and honest communication and create a space where members feel safe to share their writing.

Give Constructive Feedback

When providing feedback, focus on constructive criticism rather than criticism. Share what you liked about the piece and offer suggestions for improvement, rather than just pointing out flaws.

Offer Encouragement

Encourage each other to keep writing and be supportive of each others goals and achievements. Celebrate successes, big or small, and lift each other up during challenging times.

Stay Positive

Maintain a positive attitude within the group. This will help create a sense of camaraderie and motivate everyone to continue improving their writing.

9. Initiating a Writers Club

A writers club is a great way to bring together writers with a passion for the written word. Here are some tips for initiating a writers club.

Decide on a Structure

Determine the structure and format of your writers club. Will it be more casual, with members sharing their writing during meetings? Or will it have a more structured approach, such as designated workshops and guest speakers?

Set Clear Goals

Establish clear goals and objectives for the club. This could include improving writing skills, networking with other writers, or working on a specific project together.

Plan Activities

Plan fun activities and events for the club, such as book discussions, writing challenges, or open mic nights. This will not only keep

In conclusion, starting a writing group can be incredibly beneficial for writers looking to improve their craft, build a supportive community, and overcome writers block. Whether you choose to form a writing circle, collective, workshop, or club, the key is to establish clear guidelines, communicate effectively, and foster a positive and encouraging environment. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can successfully launch a writing group and embark on a journey of creativity, growth, and camaraderie with fellow writers. Remember, the art of starting a writing group lies in the passion, dedication, and commitment of its members. So gather your fellow writers and begin this exciting adventure together. With the right approach and attitude, a writing group can truly enrich your writing journey.


  • ewanpatel

    I'm a 29-year-old educational bloger and teacher. I have been writing about education for about six years, and I have a B.A. in English from UC Santa Cruz. I also have a M.A. in English from San Francisco State University. I teach high school English in the Bay Area.